This was a private list I have been completing during the last 3 years for my personal use and knowledge of other PR pros and agencies out there. I think it could be useful for other developers or colleagues out there. I also published an article [link] on Gamasutra with tips and thoughts about the role of PR, Publishers and some factors you can take into account when choosing your PR partner. Please if you find there is any mistake in the list or there is any company left to add, let me know at me(@) Also we accept sponsorships, […]
Flat Kingdom (2016, Fat Panda & Games Starter)

Flat Kingdom is filled with fun platforming action, puzzles and some Metroidvania elements. It also features a unique combat system! Instead of directly attacking your foes, you’ll have to touch them while transformed in the correct shape to beat them! Kinda like a rock-paper-scissor game. Every shape in Flat Kingdom beats the opposite, so sharp triangles can defeat the soft circles, heavy squares beat the fragile triangles and squishy circles can triumph over the slow squares. Both enemies and puzzles can be beaten using the correct shape and strategy, so you’ll have to observe them and come up with the […]